20 Jan 2019

RAIS KoM took place at University of Insubria, Como, Italy on Jan 16-17, 2019


The official RAIS Kick-off meeting (KoM) took place at the University of Insubria in Como, Italy, on Jan 16-17, 2019. The meeting was attended by 12 representatives from all the beneficiaries.

The first day was dedicated to the introductory presentations of research areas of the beneficiaries, the organisational bodies and mostly it focused, on discussions of the technologies, the methods and the research scenarios for the implementation of the project. The day concluded with a social dinner.

During the second day all issues related to the management, finance, recruiting process, training activities and outreach and dissemination of the RAIS project were presented and discussed.

The beneficiaries engaged in technical talks during the two days and were committed to the project activities, as foreseen in the Grant Agreement.

More about the event can be found here

Next event: RAIS Fellows Research meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece. 10-11 December 2019